Meet Novéa Energies at the FNCCR congress, from October 1st to 3rd, 2019. Ragni and Novéa Energies will meet you at the Acropolis congress center in Nice (06) for the next triennial congress of the FNCCR, from 1st to 3rd October 2019. During these three days, you will be able to meet us on stand N ° 12! This congress brings together representatives of the local public services of energy, water and sanitation, digital and waste recovery. Elected representatives and agents of local authorities, managers of companies and public bodies in the concerned sectors will be at the rendezvous! The congress of the FNCCR attracts more and more people, and a constant increase of visitors is noted at each congress: 1,200 visitors in Annecy in 2009, 1,400 in Montpellier in 2013 and 1,600 in Tours in 2016. As usual, this congress will include about fifty thematic conferences, addressing current issues of networked public services. A space will be dedicated to the reception of partner companies of the FNCCR and its members, whose character of trade show is growing. During the three days of congress, fifty conferences will be organized, dealing with various topics on energy, water, digital, waste or cross-cutting themes, such as smart city, territorial optimization, consumer protection ... we look forward to seeing you there!