"Eco-design consists of integrating the environment from the design of a product or service, and during all stages of its life cycle" (AFNOR, 2004). Novéa Énergies offers eco-designed products both in manufacturing and in their use, because the recyclability of a product alone is not sufficient to limit its environmental impact. A committed choice of materials Among the large family of Lithium-Ion batteries, Lithium Iron Phosphate technology does not contain any heavy metals and pollutants. The battery is made up of Lithium, Iron Sulphate and Carbon. In addition, the better energy yields of the LifePO4 battery (Endurance+) make it possible to use a less powerful solar panel (-25%) to store the same amount of energy as a NiMH battery for example, so it’s more compact. Which will save on the use of primary resources for the manufacture of the solar panel. Recycling Novéa Énergies works with 3 eco-organisations to manage the collection, dismantling and recycling of our solar lighting solutions: Soren, Screlec and ecosystem. In addition, the recycling rate for Lithium batteries is constantly increasing due to the evolution of volumes and technological advances in this sector. The current recycling rate for Novéa Énergies solar panels is 94.7% (source PV Cycle), for the battery 100% for aluminum and 70% for Lithium cells (source ADEME) and 100% for all the other components (controller, LED, etc.). The recycling rate of a component is not the only analysis criterion to take into account. It’s necessary to take into account the overall use over an expected lifespan. Most sustainable technology Novéa Énergies offers the best lifespan on the market, over 20 years. This is possible thanks to the high-performance Endurance+ technology and the absence of deep discharge. Over 20 years, Novéa Énergies sets do not require component changes, in contrary to other technologies which, for example, offer a lifespan of 10 years. The overall use over the life of the product is therefore greatly reduced, and the manufacture of new equipment limited. The LiFePO4 battery thus generates 50% less ultimate waste than NiMH for the same amount of stored energy. The ultimate waste is that which can no longer be recovered either through recycling or energy recovery. Energy savings Novéa Énergies solar lightings solutions are programmed as closely as possible to the customer's needs in order to limit unnecessary lighting periods. Thus, it’s common for solar lighting solutions to turn on at specific time slots and turn off the rest of the night when no activity or passage is planned. Dimming mode at a certain percentage of energy can also be prescribed, depending on the application, often in addition to a motion sensor which will illuminate the place only when a user passes. In addition, solar panels are sized as accurately as possible, primary resources are thus limited. Local subcontracting favored Novéa Énergies has given itself the mission of producing and designing its solar lighting solutions, mostly in France. There are a total of 7 French companies involved in the manufacture of our sets, with in particular our parent company Ragni or a sheltered workshop. To conclude, Novéa Énergies perfectly integrates the notion of eco-design and eco-functionality into all aspects of its solutions to limit its impact on the environment: use of primary resources limited to design, recycling industry in place, great durability of the sets but also energy saving.